Difference: Go4HybridDeliverable01 (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22014-04-13 - AlistairRevell

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FORM FIELD suffix suffix
FORM FIELD Filename Filename Go4HYBRID_D31p03.pdf
FORM FIELD Coordinator Coordinator ONERA
FORM FIELD Contributors Contributors ONERA
FORM FIELD Contributors Contributors
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Go4HYBRID_D31p03.pdf" attr="" comment="Report on test case F1" date="1389104634" name="Go4HYBRID_D31p03.pdf" path="Go4HYBRID_D31p03.pdf" size="271577" user="SebastienDeck" version="1"
META PREFERENCE name="VIEW_TEMPLATE" title="VIEW_TEMPLATE" type="Local" value="DeliverableView"
META PREFERENCE name="COVER" title="COVER" type="Set" value="formfirst"

Revision 12014-01-07 - SebastienDeck

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1) Scroll down and enter a title for the deliverable.

2) Select the appropriate options for the Work Package and Month.

3) If required, select the appropriate suffix.

4) To enable the correct linking of the uploaded file through the website, please enter the exact filename (case sensitive), including the extension(.doc etc). Please name the files appropriately as follows:

D#-MM_PartnerID_Title, where D#-MM represents the deliverable reference number and month, where Partner ID is the shortened partner name shown below and Title is the title of the deliverable.

5) Select the appropriate Co-ordinator and Contributors options.

6) (Once you have made a note of step (7) CLICK SAVE, and after the page reloads, Click the 'Attach' button in the top right of the website

7) On the Attach screen, click 'Browse', select your file (as named in step 4) and Click Upload


META FORM name="Main.DeliverableForm"
FORM FIELD Title Title Report on the test case F1 "turbulent flat plate boundary layer"
FORM FIELD WorkPackage WorkPackage 3.1
FORM FIELD Month Month 03
FORM FIELD suffix suffix
FORM FIELD Filename Filename Go4HYBRID_D31p03.pdf
FORM FIELD Coordinator Coordinator ONERA
FORM FIELD Contributors Contributors ONERA
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Go4HYBRID_D31p03.pdf" attr="" comment="Report on test case F1" date="1389104634" name="Go4HYBRID_D31p03.pdf" path="Go4HYBRID_D31p03.pdf" size="271577" user="SebastienDeck" version="1"
META PREFERENCE name="VIEW_TEMPLATE" title="VIEW_TEMPLATE" type="Local" value="DeliverableView"
META PREFERENCE name="COVER" title="COVER" type="Set" value="formfirst"
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